Thursday, March 5, 2015

Jeb Bush 2

First, what do you think your candidate's public image is currently? Are there things s/he should try to cultivate as part of his/her image to be more successful? Make an argument.

Jeb Bush's image as being too liberal costs his Republican voters. His famous anti-everything quote has his GOP still talking about Bush not winning the Republican nominee.
"Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, and anti-worker and the list goes on and on. Many voters are simply unwilling to choose our candidates even though they share our core beliefs because those voters feel unloved, unwanted, and unwelcome to our party."
Although this was a quote Bush made back in 2013, it is resurfacing with his potential running for office. After many articles and blogs were made about Bush being too liberal. He has been trying to turn his image around for the upcoming election. In February of 2015 Bush felt the rage from his party as people staged a walkout when Bush took the stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The crowd cheered "I stand with Rand." People took this to Twitter with the hashtag #CPAC.
Bush is making attempts to change liberal image. When it came to Obamacare, in 2013 Bush attacked his party when he said "Republicans just need to take a step back and show self-restraint and let this happen a little more organically." He believed the answer to Obama care was to let its system cause massive dysfunction on its own "it might actually be politically a better approach to see the huge dysfunction, but we don't even hear about that because we've stepped on that message." Bush received backlash that was detrimental to his campaign. He now is tougher on Obamacare, calling Obamacare a "federal monstrosity" and needs to be repealed once President Obama leaves the White House. During this campaign, Bush is beginning to clean up his attacks and get back in good graces with his party.
Bush is again is trying to change his image from previous years recently. In 2013 Bush, was quoted saying publically "traditional marriage is best but recognize gay couples." This was yet another image of Bush as a being socially liberal. He receives backlash from his party for being pro-same sex marriage. Recently he tried to clean up this act as well by hiring evangelical Christian Jordan Sekulow as senior advisor. Sekulow is an executive director of a group Pat Robertson created in 1990 American Center for Law and Justice. This group protects rights of Christian groups even promoting the criminalization of homosexuality. Through this transition, Bush is trying to change is demeanor of being a social liberal and ease into a conversion.
This tactic is helping Bush back into the tea party. Unfortunately for the fluent Spanish speaker, he does not want to change his image completely. Bush received 61% of Latino vote in his first election. He hopes by going to his party on immigration he will win over the Latino population. In 2013, he claimed he was for "legalization, not self-deportation." Bush has in image as an advocate for residency of illegal immigrants. In 2015 GOP, gives him the same picture. He attacked his party once again three days ago by addressing his immigration vision as the "grown-up plan." He could be attacking the page with a picture of Mexican men with tattoos on the front page. Bush has a political image of a fiscal conservative but socially liberal.
For Jeb Bush's campaign, image is vital. At a point in time, he was losing Bush fans based on his image. He is trying to turn around some of his pictures, but not al of it. He is cracking down on Obamacare and marijuana. He is attempting to convert followers by hiring a Christian activist, and he refuses to change his image of supporting amnesty. Through his campaign, the primary strength is being a fiscal conservative. He has made it no secret since he began his first term as governor, that he believes in cutting taxes. Republicans are not only for cutting taxes but sometimes sticking to traditional values. His weakness is that he attacks his party. He tries to get the party to change their traditional values, rather than convert to his. He has attempted to clean this up by changing some of his views on traditional values. He can win by Latino vote because they are a population that is often overlooked in election. He also can win over financially conservative socially liberal voters. The threat is that he could lose GOP through attacking them in past years. Although this was many years ago, quotes always resurface once election begins.
Jeb Bush will highlight his Common Core campaign, pro-amnesty laws, same-sex marriage laws, tougher marijuana, decrease spending, and repealing Obamacare. Since publically we know how Jeb Bush feels on social issues he should focus his campaign on influencing the GOP by his fiscal conservatism attitude. Right now, it appears he is running on social issues more than economic matters. This is hurting his election because is party does not support his social problems. He should bring the question of the economy forward in this election. He should focus on becoming the candidate that will give you the lowest taxes more than any other conservative candidate.

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